UPDATE: This site is no longer working | Blockvaults.io Experience and its 20USD Worth Capital Sign Up Bonus |

Just created my account on April 1, 2021, and upon successful registration I already received 20USD worth of BTC capital in my wallet. In this site, your available crypto coin gets interest every 24 hours. In my case since I chose BTC for the 20USD worth capital sign up bonus, I may expect to have additional 1.1% which is equivalent to 0.000004 after 24 hours. My plan is just to leave it there wait until it grows.

NOTE: We cannot withdraw the 20USD worth of crypto but may be used as a start up capital to earn interest. (I honestly thought it will all be mine though)

You may also deposit additional coins for higher earnings.

Immediately, I deposited 40 XRP from Binance just to give it a try at 3:39AM and for whatever reasons it got rejected. Hmm I wonder why.

Next thing I did was to coordinate with the site’s support team at 3:54AM but as of 4:21AM I haven’t received any response yet.

If you find yourself wanting to try and take advantage of the 20USD worth of crypto capital sign-up bonus, please register using my affiliate link: https://blockvaults.io/27112

For other crypto mining site that do not require registration(direct deposit to faucetpay account) kindly refer to the following:






















UPDATE: website suddenly disappeared. Lots of investors can’t access their accounts and lost XRP. I still got 200xrp in my xrpeople account 😭. Others lost more.

BEWARE: Don’t fall for other websites pretending to return your investment if you deposit the same investment you had with the previous website.

LESSON: Invest what you can afford to lose. Invest to regulated platforms only.


I registered on March 31, 2021, and made a cash in of 25.75 XRP from Binance to XRPEOPLE. The transaction was processed at 9:21:43 and completed at 9:39:43.

Oops! Got excited and clicked on the ‘CLAIM’ button without snipping. On my first Weekly reward, I got .04 XRP! WOW!

Now I am more eager to participate, and will be cashing in 50 XRP more to participate on their XRPEAOPLE Giveaway promo which will require at least 50 XRP per ticket.

So I made another cash in of 50 XRP from Binance at 9:44:34 and completed at 9:48.

Now I have a total of 75.79 XRP. To increase my coins, I decided to stake everything.

According to the site, 0.5% interest will turn my 75.79 XRP to 76.17 XRP tomorrow at 9:56 PM. Exciting!!!

As of April 4, 2021, from my initial investment of 75.75 XRP I now have accumulated a total of 76.93 XRP. Mind you that I bought the XRP with the value of USD 0.56400.

Because I am really getting excited about this website supported by significant number of positive reviews from trustpilot, I decided to deposit additional 44 XRP with current value of USD 0.59500. I plan to stake everything and keep my balance growing 😊. It was 5:42 when I made the deposit and it reflected on my xrpeople account at 5:48. Fast right?

Immediately I did stake 44 XRP at 5:50 which will become 44.25 tomorrow at 5:50.

It is now April 8, 2021 at 12:19AM. I just collected my 2nd week reward of .01 XRP.

In a week, I have accumulated .05 XRP and from the total investment of 11.75 XRP it is now running at 122.89 XRP. Awesome right? Considering that the value of my invested XRP when I purchased them was at around $0.6.

So yes, I totally recommend XRPEOPLE.COM to everyone. Additionally, reviews in trustpilot are consistently positive.

April 10, 2021, bought 15 xrp at 1.17940 and transferred to coins.ph a total of 14.9 xrp (less transaction fee. I was planning to take the cash and make a bill payment but since the value suddenly dropped, I decided to stake it to xrpeople first to make up for the loss amount. A total amount of 14.89xrp was deposited to my xrp from coins.ph (less .000045 transfer fee. Transferred at 8:07 PM, received at 8:08PM.

I staked 59.86 SRP which will become 60.04 tomorrow.

My running capital now is worth P4,242.888 and based on the current value of xrp which is P59.31 I now have a total of P8,223.3315 which is 51.6% profit!

JUST IN: xrpeople.net updated their staking offer from .3% Daily to 6% Monthly.

SeedIn Philippines Review

I started my SeedIn venture on February 12, 2021. During that time, there was no available investment opportunity yet. Days after, I cashed in Php1,500 and utilized Alfred Robot.

According to ‘My Activities’, Alfred allocated my funds in a loan investment on February 26, 2021. Though it has already been allocated, it will remain in the ‘On Hold’ funds until everything is settled. In my case, the funds were transferred to ‘Invested Funds’ on March 17, 2021.

If you observe, it may take a while for the whole process of investment to take effect, but just by seeing the net percentage of earning you’ll be getting in a matter of months is indeed satisfying. 3.12% interest in 5 months! From Php1,500 to Php1,546.87!

As of today, my available funds waiting to be allocated by Alfred Robot once an investment opportunity opens matching my criteria for Auto Allocation is Php4000, and I plan to add more each payday.

Considering that there are a lot of investors waiting for investment opportunities to become available, I highly suggest for everyone to utilize Alfred Robot. It just makes everything better. Just leave your funds growing, and wait for Alfred Robot to do the job.

Caution: Invest at your own risk. It is recommended to allocate investment funds to different platforms.

Reminder: When performing ‘Top Up Account’, I suggest that you immediately contact SeedIn Support team for the funds to be credited immediately. Though they do not resolve the concern real time, I am still happy with their service because they are responsive.

If you are interested and would like to try this investment opportunity, please register thru my referral link: https://www.seedinph.tech/register?ref=43076

Feel free to share your experience, ask questions and answer queries using the comment tab. Invest wisely!