GINVEST: ATRAM Philippine Equity Smart Index Fund

I have an aggressive risk appetite and among the 5 available funds GINVEST offers, I focus on ATRAM Philippine Equity Smart Index Fund.

Whenever it’s payday and I see that the value of my chosen investment is lower than my initial investment, I decided to buy additional P500.

So as of May 28, 2021, 10:17PM, my portfolio runs:

Total Investment: P3,000

Total Running Value: P3,132.99

Net Profit/Loss: P132.99

I am not a pro when it comes to investments, but I opt to distribute my limited excess income to different investment opportunities to maximize the chances of me winning.

June 8, 2021, my running balance has gone up to P3,201.17. with 31.5 units.

I decided to sell all my units which gave me a total earning of P201.17.

June 11, 2021, I received an SMS notification that my sell order is confirmed and that I will receive P3,251.72 on June 15, 2021. I was only expecting P3,201.17 but ended receiving more!

As of June 15, 2021, my portfolio runs:

Total Investment: P3,000

Total Withdrawn: P3,251.72

Net Profit/Loss: P251.72

June 15, 2021 at 10:00PM, I P3,251.72 was credited to my Gcash account.

June 18, 2021, I notice a slight drop in ATRAM Global Consumer Trends Feeder Fund. I bought P1,000 worth of units (the minimum investment)

On July 17, 2021, I sold P1,040.91 worth of units of ATRAM Consumer Trends Feeder fund however, on July 28, 2021, only P996.42 was credited back to my GCASH account. This means that this kind of investment requires long period of time to take good profit as the amount you sold is not guaranteed.

As of August 12, 2021, my portfolio runs:

Total Investment: P3,000

Total Withdrawn: P996.42

Net Profit/Loss: -P3.58(From withdrawal)

Running value: P1,967.66(Which is below the total invested amount of P2,000)

So moving forward, I will just keep on investing and target to take another withdrawal on June 21, 2026.

4 thoughts on “GINVEST: ATRAM Philippine Equity Smart Index Fund

    1. Hi mishanyx, I recently withdrew my Consumer Trend Feeder Fund that is why my portfolio is still not showing any significant movement. Though I keep track of everything, since I only invest small amount of money every month which restarted in June, I think that the result will only show after at least a year. Currently, I am down P32.34 against my total investment of P2,000. 🙂


      1. Hi, I am not sure if you’ve heard of Bloomberg’s app but it has helped me keep track of the market’s movement. I have added my GInvest portfolio there. You might want to check it out 🙂 Merry Christmas!


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