Baby Roaches Found in Knorr Nido Oriental Soup True Story

CONTAMINATED KNORR NIDO ORIENTAL SOUP bought from Eastwood Marketplace!!!

On March 11, 2022, I was about to cook Knorr Nido Oriental Soup(55 g) for my breakfast. I just had my lower wisdom tooth extracted which explains why I I cannot consume solid food. It was around 5am in the morning and when i poured half of the the powder content from the packaging to dissolve in a pot of water, I suddenly noticed multiple tiny roaches floating. I had to make sure so i looked closely(they were tiny but you can see the pests’ structure even their legs). So i looked inside the packaging since there’s still half content left. At first glance, you wont notice them but if you shake the pack you’ll see some discolored particiles which i confirmed to be the tiny roaches.

If you ever bought the same item from the same merchant I ask for you to share it with me(dm) as I have already contacted Food and Drug Administration (FDA Philippines) and DTI Philippines about this matter.

I immediately took a video and reported it to Knorr Philippines. An agent called from uniliver asking details about the item including its storage. I live in a high level floor condominium. The package was sealed and i have never seen such pest then. She even asked me to surrender the item but i declined because i will submit it as a proof for the case i filed.

After A couple of hours, I received a call again from uniliver’s complaint manager. She was nice enough to ask even just a portion of the contaminated product and so I agreed. She asked about the storage of the item prior the incident and I told her that it was located in a basket together with knorr crab & corn pack on top of my refrigerator.

March 13, 2022, someone from uniliver picked up the contaminated powder.

And so I did my personal research and it appears that the pests I found in the knorr nido oriental package were baby german roaches. Really disgusting!!!

From this bad experience I also learned that unless you got sick from consuming a contaminated food, you can’t file a lawsuit against the company. You can just report the incident to FDA, which I definitely did.

If anyone is wondering, I am 100% positive that the baby roaches were from inside the pack because it was sealed and I am very meticulous when purchasing goods. No holes, no signs of point of entry.

Product details:

Item: knorr Nido Oriental Soup 55grams

Bought: On March 4, 2022

Merchant: Eastwood The Marketplace

Batch Info: USE BY 01APR2023 M1 16:49 214052

Please be very careful in consuming processed items. Smell, and look closely first to avoid consuming contaminated food.

The incident was traumatizing considering that i already consumed some processed knorr products not knowing that the manufacturing is not sanitary.