St Peter Life Plan’s Cash Benefit

St Peter offers this value added benefit of providing the planholder’s beneficiary, 100% of the contract price if:

1. The planholder, who si within the insurable ages of 18 to 60 years (not beyond his/her 60th birthday) at the time of purchase of the plan, dies during the paying period or within five (5) years after the full payment of the plan AND

2. the planholder has not reached the age of 65 upon death

I bought my mother’s st peter plan, St Gregory in 2016 and has fully paid the sum of ₱34,200 on April 2021.

Unfortunately, my mom suddenly passed away in the first quarter of 2023. Since the event is within the conditions of Cash Benefit, we were able to claim ₱34,200.

My sister, being my mom’s nominated beneficiary had to:

1. Coordinate with our St Peter Agent

2. Submit claim request for the cash benefit along with her valid id, birth cert, death certificate

3. Called St Peter to ask the status of the check

4. Picked up the check at St Peter Main office in Cubao

It took approximately 2 months for the check to be release.

Ofcourse, i would prefer my mom to live over that amount. Still, it is a great help in such unforseen event.


1. Do not aim to get the cash benefit.

2. Remembet that it is just a financial assistance due to early/unforseen death.

3. We get this memorial plan to be ready and to lessen the burden our loved ones have to experience when we die. Moreover, the value appreciates.

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